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OS Rotary Meeting 01/29/20

Pledge:    Gary McCauley
Prayer:     John Aforismo
Song:        N0 Bill-No Song   
Card Game:  Alan Schwarz

Sergeant’s Report: Pete Zucco
     Raffle: Gary McCauley, Pat Devito, Roi ReFaeli (guest).
     Happy Bucks: Many for our guest, several for Bob Antoniac, Five for the Wine Tasting/Auction Event, some for the Club, and one for the Super Bowl.

Gary read a thank you note from a recent Student of the Month – Katie Henderson

Marty wants all auction items brought to his office early next week.

Remember to sign the card for Brian DeBlasiis.

The Art Gallery in the Town Hall will be dedicated on 2/12 at 11:00. Eversource and O.S. Rotary are the major sponsors of this display of local artists.

Our next meeting will be on 2/5/20 at noon at Luigi’s. It will be a business meeting.

Program: Roi ReFaeli, an exchange student from Israel, led a power point presentation/discussion about his homeland country of Israel.


Roi’s presentation touched on a variety of topics including: demographics, required military service, worldwide medical involvement, Roi’s personal story, and current issues. Highlights included: military service specifics and alternatives. Israel’s “Only one call away” program for helping all in need of medical care, and a discussion about the recent U.S. Middle East Peace Proposal. A question and answer period followed the power point presentation. Rotarian Dr. Eugene Sapozhnikov is hosting Roi for his year of study in Connecticut.
