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OS Rotary Meeting of 3/20/13

 Pledge: President Keith Wescovich

Prayer: Gerri Lewis

Song: Andy Anderson

Brent’s card game winner: David Wright

Raffle: was won by Keith, David Lamay [Essex Fin. Rep.] and Gerri

Sergeants Report: Rick Beck: The RYLA weekend apparently went well with the students; we will have them at a later meeting to fill us in. Rotary members provided transportation both ways.

Announcements: a meeting of various volunteer groups will be meeting in Old Lyme shortly.

Program: David Lamay and Clark Sturdenvan from the Essex Financial Group gave an annual report on the club’s foundation. Fortunately the value has rebounded and is close to the $600,000, it was three years ago, even with the withdrawal of close to $20,000 a year for scholarships and other projects. They feel that managing the money conservatively, and relying on a high percentage of bond investments, they are realizing a good return with a minimum downside risk. The mix will change as interest rates increase, but for now considering the volatility of the market, the returns seem satisfactory.
