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OS Rotary Meeting of 9/25/13

Pledge: President Gerri
Prayer: President Gerri
Song: Paul Moore
Brents Card Game Winner: Tony Plansky
Welcome Guests: Jan Perruccio, Superintendant of Old Saybrook Schools, Tony Plansky

Sergeants Report: Glen Anderson filling in for Kathy Callinan
    Raffle Winners: Paul, Charlie, Stan
    Happy Bucks: Angus is back!, Marty's son in U of Edinburgh, Scotland for the fall semester, Oct. 10 EXPO at the YMCA - Gerri will be there representing the club, Angus was happy people are happy to see him back, guests, Bill O. was happy at the results of America's cup (Oracle USA won defeated New Zealand) and the dramatic way they won (took 8 races in a row), John is selling raffle tickets for a fundraiser for the VFW at the Old Lyme Senior Center.

Announcements: Glen is organizing an evening meeting Oct. 30. Marty will give a presentation of the website. We have 3 choices which the club will vote on: Luigi's, Hideaway and Penny Lane. Luigi's was the close winner. Lenny will set aside the new addition on the first floor for us. Please sign up with Glen.

Program: Joan Michaud arranged for our guest, Tony Plansky of XRAE. 
   XRAE Brokerage represents about 20 companies and covers an area from Virginia to Maine. The organization has 25 people and is growing (openings are available right now). XRAE has a prepared "General Risk Profile" which clients fill out and this is used to rate or classify individuals. Ratings will vary by company according to their tables profiles. Term life insurance plans will vary as companies decide to enter the market and compete for that business. There are various parameters that can make a person "preferred", "preferred best", or standard. Smoking for example can be a big factor. You can have a cigar a week and still be considered a nonsmoker and chewing tobacco has been liberalized. Cancer history has been relaxed in lieu of the gains in treatment. Whole Life insurance is making a comeback mostly because of the poor rate of returns of other investments. You can get a rate of return of 5% tax deferred for example. Long Term Care insurance is for some, a viable investment even though rates have gone up. Met Life is no longer in that market. Lincoln pays a lump sum after you've paid into it over a number of years. There are instruments such as the Connecticut Partnership that protects your portfolia,
disability insurance protects your income.

You can visit their website: www.xrae.com

Why Use XRAE?

The Answer is Simple...

XRAE does what no human being can – perfectly evaluate over 100,000 specific underwriting rules based on over 600 potential questions in less than a second to determine the “best case” underwriting classification at each XRAE Partner Carrier.