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OS Rotary Meeting 2/3/15

Pledge: President Bill O'Shaunessey

Prayer: Gerri Lewis

Song: Bill O'Shaunessey - Jingle Bells was voted down, so we sang "America, the Beautiful"

Card Game: Glen Anderson conducted the game and won the big money.

Raffle: Charlie Norz, Sam Fulginiti, and Christina Burnham

Happy Bucks: Many Happy Bucks for Brent's quick return, Wine Tasting, and the good weather. Charlie Norz was happy for his and Judy's 54th wedding anniversary.

    Meals on Wheels - Christina Burnham
    Brent hopes to return next week.
    Rann King's funeral is at the Westbrook Congregational Church, 2/28/15 at 1:00 pm.
Wine and Beer Tasting Update: Marty and Gerri Co-chairs
    Sponsorships total $5,000.00
    Ticket Sales are at 75. 175 were sold last year.
    A sample program was distributed. The final program goes to the printer later today.
    Auction items will be moved to the Saybrook Point Inn on Friday. Moving crew should meet at Gerri's house
    at 11:30 am.
    Event workers should report to the Inn between 5:00 and 5:30 pm.