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OS Rotary Meeting of 6/15/11

Pledge: President Joan Camire
Prayer: Gerri Lewis
Song: Bill McLaughlin
Brents Card Game Winner: Christina Burnham

Sergeants Report: Rick Beck
Raffle Winners: Ed Pinn, Mike Velgouse, Jason Smith
Happy Bucks: Lots for our deserving scholarship recipients and related guests

Outreach Committee meeting following the regular meeting
Paul discussed the election process and the need for someone to step up and take on the President-Elect post which is currently vacant. The Board of Directors is settled as well as the Foundation Board.
The last meeting of the month, June 29 is the installation dinner meeting which is at the Dock & Dine Restaurant at 6:30pm. Dinner is $25pp and the main course is stuffed chicken. Please attend and welcome the new leadership team and thank our outgoing President, Joan Camire for a great job!

Program: Rotary College Scholarship Recipients: David Wight, Chairman Scholarship Committee
    This year, David took the leadership role of the scholarship committee that has been led for so many years by Ron Scott. Ron is recovering from illness and we all hope for a full recovery and back with Rotary soon. The committee members are: Ed Pinn, Joan Camire, Bill McLaughlin, Carrol Bowser, Gerri Lewis and John Donnelly. 
    Please go to the scholarship section of this website for more information.

Jeanette Murphy, 4 year scholarship
Plans to attend UCONN to study Nursing

Sharif Jalil, 2 year scholarship
Plans to attend UCONN to study Biomedical Engineering then pursue a law degree

Tyler Gracey, 2 year scholarship
Plans to attend Middlesx Community College to study Multimedia and Design

Shannon Chapman, 4 year scholarship

Kassandra Henderson, 2 year scholarship
Plans to attend Three Rivers Community College to study Nursing

Deanna Wilbanks, 4 year scholarship
Plans to attend UCONN to study Biomedical Science & Environmental Health

Treasurer's Report: Paul Moore
Paul gave his final report and handed out the latest spreadsheet. Our investments are doing well but some money will have to be withdrawn from principal to meet our obligations. A less productive golf tournament fund raiser had an impact on our finances.
