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OS Rotary Meeting of 6/22/11

Pledge: Pres. Joan Camire
Prayer: Gerri Lewis
Song: Bill McLaughlin
Brents Card Game Winner: Mark the Chef

Sergeants Report: Rick Beck
    Raffle Winners: Carroll Bowser, Peter Corbett, Marty D.
    Happy Bucks: DARE Kids and guests who included police officers, educators and others. Joan Camire was happy for celebrating her 41st wedding anniversary.
Program: Gerri Lewis
Old Saybrook Police Chief Michael Spera thanked the club for our support saying without Rotary, there would be no D.A.R.E. Program. The program receives no funding from the town or taxes. Our contribution pays for workbooks, instructional material, awards, etc. Officer Ken Roche (2nd in command at the police dept.), Det. Sam Barnes and Det. David Crotti are responsible for coordinating and running the program which includes Goodwin students, and Middle School up to 8th grade. Chief Spera thanked Principal Michael Rafferty for opening the Middle School to the DARE programs.  Mr. Rafferty thanked the club saying direct mentoring has a big effect and makes a difference in kids lives.

New Member Induction:
Christina Burnham was inducted into the club. Bill McLaughlin performed the induction and Gerri Lewis sponsored Christina. Welcome Christina!

Other club business:
Our new incoming President, Paul Moore, needs an official election of the slate of officers. Currently there is no Vice-President.
The slate for year 2011-2012 is President: Paul Moore, President-Elect: Keith Wescovich, Secretary: Matt Vogt, Treasurer: David Wight, Sergeant-at-Arms: Rick Beck.
Board of Directors: Bill MLaughlin, Mike Velgouse, Andy Anderson, Marty Drobiarz, and Charlie Norz.
Carroll Bowser volunteered to fill in as Vice-President with the knowledge that he may be moving to North Carolina.

Bill O'Shaughnessy read a letter thanking the club for its support of CASFY, COMMUNITY ACTION FOR SUSTANCE FREE YOUTH, an organization led by Karen Fischer and Mary Seidner. Karen is the Prevention Coordinator for the CASFY Coalition and Karen is the director of the Lyme Youth Services Bureau.

Bill also reminded the club that this is our last week to contribute to Rotary International by becoming a sustaining member. John Donnelly said the more we contribute as a club, the more we get back in the form or matching grants for our projects.

Next weeks meeting is our installation meeting. Its at the Dock & Dine Restaurant at 6:30pm. Please sign up in advance. The cost is $25.

Charlie Norz informed the club of next years Foundation Board which consists of the current President, Treasurer and the last 5 presidents. The last 5 presidents are Joan Camire, Keith Wescovich, Bob Chase, Peter Manley, and Gerri Lewis. Bob and Peter are no longer in the club and they are replaced by Brent and Charlie. Gerri may not be available at the end of the year. The Foundation Board takes care of the club finances by preparing a budget and oversees the club investments. Mike Velgouse expressed surprise and disappointment that the Outreach budget was cut saying help was needed now more then ever. Club income is down and that was the reason for lowering the amount available.

Bill McLaughlin told the club to let him know if you have a program. We are booked through August. Joan Camire said people who present a program to our club will receive a cup that has the 4-Way test inscribed on it.

Marty gave an update on Ron Scott. He is recuperating from a fracture in his leg caused by a fall but is getting better every day and is expected to go home soon. Marty gave Ron photos of this years scholarship recipients which he was happy to get.

Paul gave Brent and Marty copies of the clubs tax exempt status 501C3. John Donnelly pointed out that we need to update those as they were issued over 10 years ago.
